Today I thought I'd tell the story about the very first fight I ever got into.
It happened at grade school during recess one day when I was in maybe it was
second grade.
I was walking out to meet up with my friend Tom Martin and when I got up near
him I noticed that he was fighting with some kid. The kid was up on his back.
I immediately decided to join in and fight too,.. and jumped right in there.
That broke up what ever was going on with Tom and that guy and now it was
all about me and that guy fighting.
I remember that I was fighting inside myself in trying to fight back, but something
took control of me and didn't allow me to fight and instead fought for me making it
look like I was doing OK, but in the end,.. I started crying and ran off...
It wasn't about the kid hurting me,... I didn't feel a thing. It was more about me struggling
inside myself trying to fight back...
Thinking about it now, I can remember I would be on top of the kid punching his face, then
we would roll over and he was on top of me doing the same to me,.. and I can still remember
all the kids around us like chanting and rooting for us. Some rooting for him and I don't remember
if any rooted for me.
After that day I allways thought that I was in the wrong by jumping into a fight or starting
a fight and that it is OK if I fight only if someone else starts it.
And to this day,... the only other fight that I can remember myself getting into was with a
neighborhood friend one day when I was around my teenage years.
We were standing in my parents driveway, and all of the sudden, out of the blue he
is interested in fighting me and being serious about it too.
I ended up getting him into a headlock and didn't want to let him get out of it so that he
could fight. I held on tight until he decided to give up. When he said "OK,. I give up",...
I let him go and it was over.
Ive had plenty of confrontations though through the years, just none of the others ended
up in a fight.