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Today is February 21, 2006

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Today I got home a little early from work. It's Tuesday, about 12:00 noon here right now.

And since I've mentioned it before,... that I got my parents a gift certificate for a restaurant called Pomodoro Cucina Italiana. And how my dad can kind of be picky about his foods.

I mean,.. the last time I got them a gift certificate for a restaurant,... they didn't like the restaurant at all. Especially the service they got.

Well,.. this time what I heard from my dad about their experience was: "Well,.. the smell of mom's lobster pretty much ruined my whole meal."

I thought,... probably could of went and sat somewhere else to eat his meal.

But he did notice the taste of their sauce there. Which is what I thought he might like. The only thing is,... he don't really like it when they mix the spaghetti and sauce together. He prefers it just this way: Put the spaghetti on a plate and put an indention in the center of it, then pour the sauce in the center along with a couple big meat balls in the center.

Just like you might do with mash potatoes and gravy,... and just like my mom makes it....

So I was listening to KLOS Mark & Brian's 2 strangers and a wedding this morning.

And there's one thing about the potential bride I noticed today,.... she's got one thing in common with me. She don't like her mate shaved.

I like hair over the bald look too.

I'm not real picky about it like she seems to be though,... for me it would be: how ever my girl friend or wife prefers to keep her hair is how it's going to be.

Again,.. that cashew stealer guy,... he comes across as a real likable guy.

I can't say whether or not he's right for the potential bride though.

And I like the Yacht Broker's way too.

Sure seems like your not giving them all enough time to get to know each other first...

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