My Dailies 2021
This is my daily journal like page where back in September of 2006 I decided to start writing down my thoughts
for every day in my web site here.
Also, there is a place called: “My Dirty Dailies”,.. for those days when I might use a little bad language. The button
to get in is sitting in this black area in the bottom right corner,.. and it requires a password to get in.
This web site is the property of Rick Allen Harrington, Riverside, California
Wednesday, December 1, 2021
Today I worked at a house in Redlands, California doing carpentry work & painting,.. and I stopped for gas and went to 7-
eleven,.. came home and put away my things,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. did my daily work notes & accounting,..
read my emails,.. payed some bills,.. and for the rest of my day I’m going to finish a load of laundry.
That’s about it for my Wednesday.
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Thursday, December 2, 2021
Today I worked at a house in Redlands, California doing carpentry work & painting,.. and I went to Lowe’s,.. came home
and put away my things,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. did my daily work notes & accounting,.. read my emails,..
worked on making metal parts,.. and for the rest of my day I’m going to relax & figure out my schedule for tomorrow.
That’s about it for my Thursday.
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Friday, December 3, 2021
Today I worked at my house making metal brackets for a job,.. and I went to Ganahl Lumber,.. unloaded & loaded my Van
for work tomorrow,.. fixed a door lock on the house next door,.. read my emails,.. did my daily work notes & accounting,..
and for the rest of my day I’m going to finish a load of laundry, maybe tint some paints and remove my shoes.
That’s about it for my Friday.
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Saturday, December 4, 2021
Today I worked at a house in Redlands, California patching & painting,.. and I went to Speedway gas station & Lowe’s,..
stopped by another job,.. came home and put away my stuff,.. cleaned my ice chest,.. fed Tiger,.. read my emails,.. did
my daily work notes & accounting,.. and for the rest of my day I’m going to maybe cook a Taco Burger and remove my
That’s about it for my Saturday.
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Sunday, December 5, 2021
Today I worked at a house in Redlands, California patching & tinting paint,.. then I came home and put away my stuff,..
cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. read my emails,.. did my daily work notes & accounting,.. and for the rest of my day
I’m going to maybe cook a Taco Burger and finish a load of laundry.
That’s about it for my Sunday.
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Monday, December 6, 2021
Today I worked at a house in Oak Glen, installing new shower valves, a bath tub faucet and sink drains,.. and I stopped for
gas and went to 7-eleven,.. came home and put away my stuff,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. fed Tiger,.. read my
emails,.. did my daily work notes & accounting,.. and for the rest of my day I’m going to remove my shoes & relax, maybe
work on installing another security camera.
That’s about it for my Monday.
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Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Today I worked at a house in Oak Glen, California, installing a toilet, cabinet doors & drawers and grouting & caulking,..
then I came home and put away my stuff,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. fed Tiger,.. read my emails,.. did my daily
work notes & accounting,.. and for the rest of my day I’m going to remove my shoes & relax,.. not sure what else,.. oh,
and finish a load of laundry.
That’s about it for my Tuesday.
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Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Today I worked at a house in Redlands, California, rebuilding stairs for a deck and pouring a little concrete,.. and I stopped
for gas and went to 7-eleven store,.. came home and put away my stuff,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. fed Tiger,..
read my emails,.. did my daily work notes & accounting,.. and for the rest of my day I’m going to remove my shoes &
relax and finish a load of laundry.
That’s about it for my Wednesday.
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Thursday, December 9, 2021
Today I worked at my house ordering parts, cancelling orders, cleaning barbecue parts,.. and I fed Tiger,.. removed the
ladder rack from my Toyota and cleaned it out a little bit,.. read my emails,.. did my daily work notes & accounting,.. and
for the rest of my day I’m going to do a load of laundry, remove my shoes & relax and I’m not sure what else.
That’s about it for my Thursday.
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Friday, December 10, 2021
Today I worked at a house in Redlands, California doing wood work, caulking, installing chimney clean out door,.. then I
came home and put away my things,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. read my emails,.. did my daily work notes &
accounting,.. and for the rest of my day I’m going to,.. I don’t know,.. think I’m going to go in and relax.
That’s about it for my Friday.
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Saturday, December 11, 2021
Today I worked at a house in Redlands, California patching, scraping and sanding an old wood deck,.. and I stopped for
gas and went to 7-eleven store,.. came home and put away my things,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. fed Tiger,..
read my emails,.. did my daily work notes & accounting,.. and for the rest of my day I’m going to change the batteries in a
door lock and finish a load of laundry.
That’s about it for my Saturday.
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Sunday, December 12, 2021
Today I worked at a house in Redlands, California sanding & priming an old wood deck,.. then I came home and put away
my things,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. fed Tiger,.. read my emails,.. did my daily work notes & accounting,.. payed
some bills,.. and for the rest of my day I’m going to put my groceries away, get cleaned up, relax.
That’s about it for my Sunday.
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Monday, December 13, 2021
I had the day off today due to rain possibility and mud slides up in Oak Glen, California,.. so today I worked around my
house cleaning in the garage, installing cameras, doing some wood work,.. and I fed Tiger,.. read my emails,.. did my daily
update my calendar & accounting,.. and for the rest of my day I’m going to finish a couple loads of laundry and cook a pot
of chili.
That’s about it for my Monday.
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Tuesday, December 14, 2021
I had the day off today due to rain and mud slides up in Oak Glen, California,.. so today I worked around my house
working on wiring for video cameras,.. and I read my emails,.. did my daily update my calendar & accounting,.. made a
call about some new work,.. and for the rest of my day I’m going to probably remove my shoes & relax, Feed Tiger.
That’s about it for my Tuesday.
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Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Today I worked at a house in Redlands, California mostly painting,.. and I went to Home Depot,.. came home and put
away my stuff,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. fed Tiger,.. read my emails,.. did my daily work notes & accounting,..
and for the rest of my day I’m going to finish a load of laundry.
That’s about it for my Wednesday.
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Thursday, December 16, 2021
Today I worked at a house in Redlands, California installing a ceiling fan,.. and I went to Home Depot and stopped for
gas,.. came home and put away my stuff,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. fed Tiger,.. read my emails,.. did my daily
work notes & accounting,.. and for the rest of my day I’m going to take the trash out to the curb & heat up some chili.
That’s about it for my Thursday.
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Friday, December 17, 2021
Today I worked at my house preparing to do some new wiring in my attic,.. and I read my emails,.. did my daily update
my calendar & accounting,.. and for the rest of my day I’m going to bring the trash cans in and finish a couple loads of
That’s about it for my Friday.
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Saturday, December 18, 2021
Today I worked at a house in Redlands, California patching, sanding & priming a wood deck,.. and I went to Home Depot,..
came home and put away my things,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. read my emails,.. did my daily work notes &
accounting,.. and for the rest of my day I’m going to maybe install a dimmer switch in my bathroom and feed Tiger.
That’s about it for my Saturday.
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Sunday, December 19, 2021
Today I worked at a house in Redlands, California patching, caulking & priming a wood deck,.. and I went to 7-eleven,..
came home and put away my things,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. fed Tiger,.. read my emails,.. did my daily work
notes & accounting,.. and for the rest of my day I’m going to finish a load of laundry.
That’s about it for my Sunday.
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Monday, December 20, 2021
Today I worked at a house in Oak Glen, California installing mirrors, towel bars, caulking, grouting,.. and I went to Pro Pipe
and stopped for gas,.. came home and put away my things,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. read my emails,.. did my
daily work notes & accounting,.. payed some bills & made a deposit,.. and for the rest of my day I’m going to heat up a
pan of chili, remove my shoes & relax.
That’s about it for my Monday.
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Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Today I worked at a house in Oak Glen, California painting, installing a sink drain and cabinet doors, and cleaning up,..
then I came home and put away my things,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. read my emails,.. did my daily work notes
& accounting,.. and for the rest of my day I’m going to heat up a pan of chili, remove my shoes & relax, finish a load of
laundry and load my van for work tomorrow.
That’s about it for my Tuesday.
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Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Today I worked at a house in Redlands, California repairing a barbecue,.. and I went to Lowe’s & stopped for gas,.. then I
came home and put away my things,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. read my emails,.. did my daily work notes &
accounting,.. made out an invoice for a job,.. and for the rest of my day I’m going to do some drywall work at the house
next door.
That’s about it for my Wednesday.
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Thursday, December 23, 2021
I started Christmas Vacation today,.. I’m supposed to be off for the next 3 weeks,.. so today I slept in a little bit,.. read my
emails,.. put my Toyota in Car Gurus for sale,.. it’s time for a new gas saver vehicle,.. did my daily update my calendar &
accounting,.. did a couple loads of laundry,.. prepared some spinach,.. did some cleaning,.. cooked a pan of fried rice,.. fed
Tiger a few times,.. and for the rest of my day I’m going to remove my shoes & relax.
That’s about it for my Thursday.
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Friday, December 24, 2021
Today I slept in till about 7am,.. usually I’m up by 3:30am,.. worked on end of the year office work,.. cleaned & showed
my Toyota truck to a guy interested in buying it,.. read my emails,.. did my daily update my calendar & accounting,.. and
for the rest of my day I’m going cook a pan of spinach and seal my bathroom tile floor.
That’s about it for my Friday.
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Saturday, December 25, 2021
Today I slept in till about 6:30am,.. opened my Christmas gifts,.. cleaned my kitchen floor,.. read my emails,.. and just
kind of lazed around thinking that I don’t need to do much of anything today,.. so for the rest of my day I have a load of
laundry to finish, try out some new cooking pans and laze around some more.
That’s about it for my Christmas Day.
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Sunday, December 26, 2021
Today I slept in till about 7:30am,.. and worked on things at my house,.. went through some of my Parents things at their
old house,.. read my emails,.. did my daily update my calendar & accounting,.. and for the rest of my day I have a load of
laundry to finish, probably remove my shoes and relax.
That’s about it for my Sunday.
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Monday, December 27, 2021
Today I built & installed a threshold for my bath room,.. made some adjustments on my North back gate,.. did some
cleaning,.. read my emails,.. did my daily update my calendar,.. and for the rest of my day I may do some end of the year
office work.
That’s about it for my Monday.
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Tuesday, December 28, 2021
Today I slept in till about 5:30am,.. worked on wiring in my attic,.. put a hand rub finish on my new bathroom threshold,..
read my emails,.. did my daily update my calendar,.. and for the rest of my day I’m going to finish working on my wiring
and maybe make a taco burger.
That’s about it for my Tuesday.
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Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Today I worked on wiring in my attic installing a new video door bell,.. and I read my emails,.. did my daily update my
calendar,.. and for the rest of my day I’m going to finish a load of laundry and maybe do some end of the year office work.
That’s about it for my Wednesday.
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Thursday, December 30, 2021
Today I worked on end of the year office work, got my taxes all preped and went to the Post Office and sent off my
January Tax payments,.. and I installed my video doorbell and got it working,.. did a load of laundry,.. read my emails,..
did my daily update my calendar,.. and for the rest of my day I’m going to get familiar with my new bread maker machine
that just arrived, and maybe make a Taco Burger.
That’s about it for my Thursday.
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Friday, December 31, 2021
Today I tried out my new bread maker for the first time. I made brown table bread from the Cheesecake Factory and it
turned out quite well. It’s a copy recipe that I found online, but it’s a good one... and I worked on doing some re-wiring in
my attic,.. read my emails,.. did my daily update my calendar,.. and for the rest of my day I’m going to work on re-wiring
some more and clean up for the day.
That’s about it for my Friday.
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