My Dailies 2022
This is my daily journal like page where back in September of 2006 I decided to start writing down my thoughts
for every day in my web site here.
Also, there is a place called: “My Dirty Dailies”,.. for those days when I might use a little bad language. The button
to get in is sitting in this black area in the bottom right corner,.. and it requires a password to get in.
This web site is the property of Rick Allen Harrington, Riverside, California
Thursday, December 1, 2022
Today I worked at a house in Redlands, California repairing an old redwood deck,.. and I went to Speedway gas station,..
came home and put away my stuff,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. fed Tiger,.. read my emails,.. did my daily work
notes & accounting,.. and for the remainder of my day Im going to maybe just go in and relax.
That’s about it for my Thursday.
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Friday, December 2, 2022
Today I worked at a house in Redlands, California repairing an old redwood deck,.. and I went to 7-eleven store,.. came
home and put away my stuff,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. read my emails,.. did my daily work notes &
accounting,.. and for the remainder of my day Im going to maybe just go in and relax.
That’s about it for my Friday.
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Saturday, December 3, 2022
Today I worked at a house in Redlands, California preparing exterior doors for painting,.. and I went to Harbor Freight
tools,.. came home and put away my stuff,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. read my emails,.. did my daily work notes
& accounting,.. and for the remainder of my day Im going to maybe just go in and relax.
That’s about it for my Saturday.
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Sunday, December 4, 2022
Today I worked at a house in Redlands, California preparing exterior doors for painting,.. then I came home and put away
my stuff,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. fed Tiger,.. read my emails,.. did my daily work notes & accounting,.. and for
the remainder of my day Im going to maybe just go in and relax.
That’s about it for my Sunday.
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Monday, December 5, 2022
Today I worked at a house in Redlands, California repairing a toilet, toilet seat, installing a shower head and repairing a
redwood deck,.. and I went to Lowe’s,.. came home and put away my stuff,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. read my
emails,.. did my daily work notes & accounting,.. and for the remainder of my day Im going to maybe just go in and relax.
That’s about it for my Monday.
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Tuesday, December 6, 2022
Today I worked at a house in Redlands, California working on repairing a redwood deck,.. and I went to Lowe’s,.. came
home and put away my stuff,.. fed Tiger,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. read my emails,.. did my daily work notes &
accounting,.. and for the remainder of my day Im going to finish a load of laundry.
That’s about it for my Tuesday.
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Wednesday, December 7, 2022
Today I worked at a house in Redlands, California working on repairing a redwood deck,.. then I came home and put away
my stuff,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. read my emails,.. did my daily work notes & accounting,.. and for the
remainder of my day Im going to go to the grocery store.
That’s about it for my Wednesday.
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Thursday, December 8, 2022
Today I worked at a house in Redlands, California working on repairing a redwood deck,.. then I came home and put away
my stuff,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. read my emails,.. did my daily work notes & accounting,.. and for the
remainder of my day Im going to go to finish a load of laundry and take the trash to the curb.
That’s about it for my Thursday.
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Friday, December 9, 2022
Today I worked at a house in Redlands, California working on repairing a redwood deck,.. then I came home and put away
my stuff,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. fed Tiger,.. read my emails,.. did my daily work notes & accounting,.. and for
the remainder of my day Im going to go to maybe just go in and relax.
That’s about it for my Friday.
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Saturday, December 10, 2022
Today I worked at a house in Redlands, California caulking and exterior priming,.. then I came home and put away my
stuff,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. read my emails,.. did my daily work notes & accounting,.. and for the remainder
of my day Im going to go to finish a load of laundry.
That’s about it for my Saturday.
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Sunday, December 11, 2022
Today I took the day off due to the rain,.. so today I cooked a loaf of white bread with my bread maker,.. insulated a wall
in my living room,.. read my emails,.. did my daily work notes & accounting,.. and for the remainder of my day Im going
to go to probably do a load of laundry and work on installing drywall in my living room.
That’s about it for my Sunday.
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Monday, December 12, 2022
Today I took the day off due to the rain again,.. so today I went Stater Brothers, installed drywall in my living room, baked
a loaf of white bread, baked a couple dozen oatmeal raisin cookies,.. read my emails,.. did my daily accounting,.. and for
the remainder of my day Im going to go to finish my second load of laundry for today and maybe remove the dust barrier
in my living room.
That’s about it for my Monday.
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Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Today I worked at a house in Redlands, California repairing a redwood deck,.. and I went to Lowe’s,.. came home and put
away my things,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. read my emails,.. did my daily work notes & accounting,.. and for the
remainder of my day Im going to maybe just go in and relax.
That’s about it for my Tuesday.
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Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Today I worked at a house in Redlands, California repairing a redwood deck,.. then I came home and put away my
things,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. read my emails,.. did my daily work notes & accounting,.. and for the
remainder of my day Im going to maybe just go in and relax.
That’s about it for my Wednesday.
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Thursday, December 15, 2022
Today I worked at a house in Redlands, California repairing a redwood deck,.. then I came home and put away my
things,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. read my emails,.. did my daily work notes & accounting,.. and for the
remainder of my day Im going to finish a load of laundry.
That’s about it for my Thursday.
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Friday, December 16, 2022
Today I worked at a house in Redlands, California repairing a redwood deck,.. and I went to Lowe’s & stopped for gas,..
came home and put away my things,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. read my emails,.. did my daily work notes &
accounting,.. and for the remainder of my day Im going to maybe just go in and relax.
That’s about it for my Friday.
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Saturday, December 17, 2022
Today I worked at a house in Redlands, California doing exterior painting,.. then I came home and put away my things,..
cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. read my emails,.. fed Tiger,.. did my daily work notes & accounting,.. and for the
remainder of my day Im going to maybe just go in and relax and finish a load of laundry.
That’s about it for my Saturday.
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Sunday, December 18, 2022
Today I worked at a house in Redlands, California doing exterior painting,.. and I went to Speedway gas station,.. came
home and put away my things,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. read my emails,..did my daily work notes &
accounting,.. and for the remainder of my day Im going to maybe go to a mexican food place.
That’s about it for my Sunday.
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Monday, December 19, 2022
Today I worked at a house in Redlands, California working on repairing a redwood deck,.. and I went to Home Depot,..
came home and put away my things,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. read my emails,..did my daily work notes &
accounting,.. and for the remainder of my day Im going to finish a load of laundry.
That’s about it for my Monday.
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Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Today I worked at a house in Redlands, California working on repairing a redwood deck,.. and I went to Lowe’s and
stopped at a Post Office,.. came home and put away my things,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. read my emails,..did
my daily work notes & accounting,.. and for the remainder of my day Im going to go to the grocery store.
That’s about it for my Tuesday.
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Wednesday, December 21, 2022
Today I worked at a house in Redlands, California working on repairing a redwood deck,.. then I came home and put away
my things,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. fed Tiger,.. read my emails,..did my daily work notes & accounting,.. and
for the remainder of my day Im going to finish a load of laundry.
That’s about it for my Wednesday.
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Thursday, December 22, 2022
Today I worked at a house in Redlands, California working on staining a redwood deck,.. and I stopped at Speedway gas
station,.. came home and put away my things,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. read my emails,..did my daily work
notes & accounting,.. and for the remainder of my day Im going to maybe just go in and relax.
That’s about it for my Thursday.
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Friday, December 23, 2022
Today I worked at a house in Redlands, California finishing a redwood deck repair job,.. then I came home and put away
my things,.. cleaned my thermos & ice chest,.. read my emails,..did my daily work notes & accounting,.. and for the
remainder of my day Im going to finish a load of laundry.
That’s about it for my Friday.
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Saturday, December 24, 2022
Today Im officially off work for Christmas vacation for the next 3 weeks or so. So today I slept in till about 7am, cleaned
my office,.. did a little cleaning in the house and vacuumed,.. rinsed off my Ford Van,.. read my emails and for the rest of
my day I’m going to go to my cousin’s house for a Christmas Eve dinner and maybe stop by Jiffy Lube for an oil change.
That’s about it for my Christmas Eve.
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Sunday, December 25, 2022
Today I slept in till about 6:30am, got up and opened gifts that I bought for myself throughout the year. I got a new little
travel guitar and a multi effects guitar pedal to play with, so I spent a good portion of the day playing with that. Read my
emails, exchanged gifts with my neighbor friends,.. and for the rest of my day I’m going to clean up and start getting
ready for bed I suppose.
That’s about it for my Christmas.
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Monday, December 26, 2022
Today I slept in till about 6:00am,.. and today I’m still playing with Christmas gifts,.. working on smoothing out some
sharp edges on my new guitar,.. doing a bunch of loads of laundry,.. moving things in my back yard for the possibility of
rain,.. read my emails,.. and for the rest of my day I’m going to maybe make a sandwich and finish my laundry.
That’s about it for my Monday.
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Tuesday, December 27, 2022
Today I slept in till about 6:30am,.. and today I baked a loaf of rye bread with my bread machine, it taste good, don’t
think it’s my favorite recipe for rye bread. Read my emails,.. and played guitar,.. and for the rest of my day I’m going to
probably play guitar and do in and relax, clean up.
That’s about it for my Tuesday.
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Wednesday, December 28, 2022
Today I slept in till about 5:30am,.. and today I drove out to San Bernardino and picked up our family Will & Testament,
were all done there now,.. and I stopped at Guitar Center for a padded guitar strap,.. went to Stater Brothers,.. and
worked on cleaning up my computer desktop, cleaning up picture folders, preparing to do my end of the year office work
and tax preparation,.. Read my emails,.. played guitar,.. and for the rest of my day I’m going to keep working on end of
the year office work.
That’s about it for my Wednesday.
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Thursday, December 29, 2022
Today I slept in till about 6:30am,.. and today I tried out my new wood burning outdoor pizza oven. The first pizza I
cooked right on the pizza stone at 600 degrees. Left it in there a little too long because the top of the pizza wasn’t cooking
and ended up with a black bottom pizza that is still not cooked on top. The second pizza I put on a pizza screen and set it
right on the pizza stone. I did not burn the bottom this time. Top of the pizza was still not totally cooked properly. Third
pizza I cooked on a Pizza Pizazze turn table pizza cooker. It has upper and lower heat and cooks pizzas pretty evenly on
top and bottom. Though it could use more upper heat right in the middle of the pizza.
The taste of the pizzas were both good. Number 2 and 3. There is a difference in the wood fired taste that makes it kind of
worth trying again. I’ll raise the pizza even more next time in an attempt to give it proper upper heat. I was also testing 3
pizza sauces. All 3 tasted similar and good. Any of them are the best I’ve come up with for home made pizza.
Also today I worked on end of the year office work, Read my emails,.. and for the rest of my day I’m going to finish
another load of laundry,.. and keep working on end of the year office work.
That’s about it for my Thursday.
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Friday, December 30, 2022
Today I slept in till a little after 7am,.. and today I went to Staples store for hanging file folder containers, stopped by
Starbucks and JoAnns, and went to AutoZone for antifreeze.
Also today I worked on end of the year office work, Read my emails,.. played some guitar,.. and for the rest of my day I’m
going to probably keep working on end of the year office work.
That’s about it for my Friday.
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Saturday, December 31, 2022
Today I slept in till 5:30am,.. got started doing my tax preparations for 2022 and ended up on the phone with my brother
Randy in Los Angeles for hours, finally got done with that and was able to finish my tax prep for 2022 and went to the Post
Office and sent out my January quarterly tax payments.
Also, I read my emails,.. and for the rest of my day I’m going to probably keep working on end of the year office work.
That’s about it for my Saturday.
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