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Page 5, built June 4, 2005

Here is a picture of me where I had my permanent teeth in. And in looking at these old pictures now they don't really look so bad, but I sure didn't like them back then.

photo of Rick Allen Harrington

This is my first year of Junior tackle football here. My favorite NFL team back then was the Miami Dolphins. I chose number 22 because Mercury Morris was number 22.

I didn't get to even try out to be running back then though, I may of been the smallest kid on that team. I played Guard that year, and I didn't mind because the running back that we had that year was a good one.

Our whole team was good that year,..we took first place...

My next year of football though, I was about the same size as everybody else on the team. I told a friend the first day of practice: "hey,.. were about the same size as everybody else this year, maybe we can try out for running back this year".

The next practice we had it seemed like that kid told the coach what I said, because all of the sudden I was getting to try out for running back. The coach had me run an up the middle play which ended in a dog pile on me.

I may of gained one yard, and when I got up and ran back to the huddle and looked at the coach he just turned his head and looked away,.. then everybody went on to something else and that was that. I was playing gaurd again that year and not happy doing so. I sat the bench a lot that year.

Here's one of my thoughts from back then about that instance: "An up the middle play,. what an odd play to run,.. we never ran up the middle play's the year before,... always around the end".

It was like, all the smallest kids on the team were on the offensive line and they really didn't expect any of us to be opening up hole's for running backs.

That was my last year of Junior tackle football. And when I got to high school I just figured that I was going to be too small again and didn't bother trying out...

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