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Page 7, built June 11, 2005

One day when I was a teenager my mom told me that we can afford to get my teeth brace's now if I choose to do so.

I said "no" because straightening my teeth wouldn't fix the problem that I had with them. Its the size of my top front teeth that Ive always had a problem with and back then I thought that leaving them crooked might make them look less buck..

And Im still Ok with that decision too...

photo of Rick Allen Harrington

Here is a picture of me in little league baseball.

It surprises me to see these old pictures of myself smiling this way,..

but I think that I was just still in the process of getting rid of that facial expession...

I think it was this year in baseball that I first met my coach from my second year of football.

I was in a big slump as a hitter this year and didn't play very well and didn't have a very good attitude either.

So I dont think that coach really liked me much anyway...

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