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Page 8, built June 15, 2005

Well, Ive been sitting here for hours attempting to learn how to use what they call a "cascading style sheet" for the making of this webpage here.

So far for the type of webpage that Im making it doesn't appear to be much of an advantage to change the way Ive been writting my html, but I can see that there is much much more to this stuff than I know, so there may be advantages that I just haven't learned yet.

So I thought about joining baseball when I got to High School, but I ended up joining wrestling instead.

Not because it was an interest of mine,.. but because my dad said: "Either you join wrestling,.. or you don't drive"...

photo of Rick Allen Harrington

I think this is my 11th grade wrestling picture here.

And it didn't turn out to be a bad thing joining wrestling though,.. I never did get much into the actual wrestling, but I did like the workout, the coach, and just hanging out with the team.

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This website is the property of: Rick Allen Harrington, Riverside, California.